ballistic missile early-warning system
- ballistic missile early-warning system
система дальнего обнаружения баллистических ракет
Англо-русский словарь по авиационным и ракетным базам. - М.: Военное издательство министерства обороны Союза ССР.
Составители: С. М. Никитин, Ю. И. Хрущев.
Смотреть что такое "ballistic missile early-warning system" в других словарях:
Ballistic Missile Early Warning System — The United States Air Force Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS) was the first operational ballistic missile detection radar. The original system was built in 1959 and could provide long range warning of a ballistic missile attack over… … Wikipedia
Ballistic Missile Early Warning System — La couverture des radars BMEWS es en rouge tandis que celle du système PAVE PAWS est en bleu. Le Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS) est le premier réseau de radar de détection de missile balistique de l armée de l Air américaine. Il a … Wikipédia en Français
ballistic missile early warning system — An electronic system for providing detection and early warning of attack by enemy intercontinental ballistic missiles. Also called BMEWS … Military dictionary
Ballistic Missile Early Warning System — n. system that detects a ballistic missile attack at an early stage, BMEWS … English contemporary dictionary
Missile Defense Alarm System — The Missile Defense Alarm System was an American system of 12 early warning satellites that provided limited notice of Soviet intercontinental ballistic missile launches between 1960 and 1966. Originally intended to serve as a complete early… … Wikipedia
Warning system — A warning system is any system of biological or technical nature deployed by an individual or group to inform of a future danger. Its purpose is to enable the deployer of the warning system to prepare for the danger and act accordingly to… … Wikipedia
warning system — ▪ military technology Introduction in military science, any method used to detect the situation or intention of an enemy so that warning can be given. Because military tactics from time immemorial have stressed the value of surprise… … Universalium
Distant Early Warning Line — DEW redirects here. For energy emitting weapons, see Directed Energy Weapons. USAF Distant Early Warning Line and Distant Early Warning System Office Emblem … Wikipedia
Missile defense — The Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System. A RIM 161 Standard Missile 3 anti ballistic missile is launched from USS Shiloh, a US Navy Ticonderoga class cruiser … Wikipedia
Ballistic Missile Defense System — Start eines Prototypen des Ground Based Interceptors auf einer PLV Rakete … Deutsch Wikipedia
Early warning radar — An early warning radar is any radar system used primarily for the long range detection of its targets, i.e., allowing defences to be alerted as early as possible before the intruder reaches its target, giving the defences the maximum time in… … Wikipedia